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How to Measure Horse Weight and Height (inch & cm pounds & kilogram)

Our Horse & Poly Weight  and Height Tape Measure 

A. How to Measure Horse Height

1) Stand horse with four feet being square 

2) Then place one front toe at the bottom of the tape so that the tape aligns with the 

highest point of the withers 

3)  Determine height by sighting(A hand is equal to 4'')

B. How to Measure Horse Weight

1)  Stand the horse with front feet square, horse is not holding its breath

2)  Make sure the tape is not twisted then gently place the tape over the horse’s back 

just behind the withers, reach under the horse’s behind the front legs (around the  

horse’s heart girth) 

3)  Pull the tape snug 

4)  Read the two weights shown in the boxed areas on both sides of the tape, the 

horse’s actual weight lies between these two weights and can be estimated accurately

Measuring Your Horse:

Heart Girth: Measure around the horse’s girth by placing tape across the highest 

part of the withers and keeping the tape as close behind the elbows as possible.

Body length: Use two people to measure from the point of the shoulder, straight

 back along the horse’s side to the point of the buttock or crease as shown.

Bodyweight Formulas (Pounds)

1)  Adult Horse: [ Heart Girth2 (inch) X Body Length (inch) ] ÷ 330=Bodyweight 

2)  Yearling:Divide by 301 instead of 330 

3)  Weanling: Divide by 208 instead of 330


Bodyweight =     Girth² (cm) X Lenghth (cm)
